How to Become a Marijuana Patient’s Caregiver

Follow These Easy Steps:
Caregivers across Pennsylvania can now register to participate in the state’s Medical Marijuana Program. A primary marijuana caregiver is someone who assists with a patient’s medical marijuana use. Caregivers or those who may administer medical marijuana to a potential patient can register for the program by creating a profile and paying for a medical marijuana ID card.
Background Check
To register as a patient’s caregiver, you must have proof of Pennsylvania residency and a clear background check. (If you have a criminal record, this needs to be reviewed prior to approval — you cannot be approved as a caregiver if you have been convicted of a criminal offense that occurred within the last five years relating to the sale or possession of drugs, narcotics or controlled substances.)
Caregiver Profile
Once you become a caregiver, you will have a caregiver profile that’s stored in the patient and caregiver registry, an online database created to allow patients to participate in the medical marijuana program. Registered caregivers must be sure that their patients are also certified for treatment with medical marijuana.
Third-party Caregiver
If you’re a caregiver for a minor but are not the patient’s parent, legal guardian or spouse, you will need to be designated as a third-party caregiver. This is done by filling out a form and uploading it into your caregiver profile.